We know that storms can wreak havoc on even the cleanest well-maintained swimming pools so we recommend having Navarre Pool Professionals on your side when it’s time to recover!
High winds and significant rains sweep dirt and debris right into your pool. Storms that result in flooding can bring an even longer list of potential contaminants such as mud and bacteria!
Keeping your pool clean and safe under normal conditions can be challenging. Splash Pools is here to help. Call us today! (850) 549-5315
Even if your water is filthy never remove all the water from your pool. Removing the water can be dangerous and can lead to your pool “popping” out of the ground due to an elevated water table.
The first step to getting your pool back in shape after a storm should be to remove the debris that is floating on the surface or has settled to the bottom of the pool. You will also need to clean out the skimmer basket frequently due the amount of debris you have.
Before restoring power to your pool go ahead and clean out the pump strainer and skimmer baskets. If not properly cleaned, the debris could cause your system to clog up.
Remove any plastic coverings and check for any signs of damage to your equipment. If the equipment is dry, you should be fine to turn the power back on and start running your circulation and filtration systems.
To prevent injuries and serious damage to your pool equipment, do not try to turn the power on or clean the equipment without first consulting one of our Navarre Pool Professionals! Call (850) 549-5315
A lot of extra water has most likely found a way into your pool. A simple step is for you to remove the excess water and bring your water level back to normal, which should be about halfway up your skimmer opening or pool tile.
Now you need to remove the dirt and dust particles from your pool by vacuuming the dirt and debris off the bottom of your pool. Start at the shallow end of the pool and work your way towards the deep end.
After vacuuming, brush the pool thoroughly to remove dirt and debris from the pool walls, and vacuum again. Repeat until the water is clean and nearly clear.
There is still going to be a high amount of microscopic and organic contaminants floating around that can lead to algae and other harmful bacteria in your pool. Use a powerful pool shock to raise your chlorine level and then balance the water alkalinity.
Once your pool is balanced, run your filtration system until all the water has been properly sanitized.
Don’t know where to begin? From residential to commercial, Splash Pools has the tools and expertise to handle any of your pool needs.
Contact your Navarre Pool Professionals at (850) 549-5315!