• Top 5 Benefits Of Swimming

    Swimming can be an excellent way to give your cardiovascular system a good workout. Just an hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without painful impact on your bones and joints!

    Swimming is ranked the 4th most popular activity in the United States, have you ever wondered why?

    There are lists of benefits you can gain from swimming regularly. Read on to learn about some of the top benefits of swimming and how you can incorporate them into your routine!

    Inner Health

    Let’s start with the inside. Swimming gives your cardiovascular system a great workout, making your lungs and heart strong! Researchers have said that swimming is so great that it even reduces your risk of death!

    Some other studies have shown that swimming can also help control blood sugar and lower blood pressure!

    Overall Health

    Swimming not only works benefits for your insides, it works out your whole body! One of the greatest benefits known to swimming is that it truly works your entire body from head to toe!

    It tones your muscles, builds strength and endurance, and more importantly raises your heart rate without stressing your body.

    Using most of your muscle groups to move around in the water, regular swimming provides an exceptional way to keep active and your body in good health.

    Improves Sleep

    Swimming has an amazing power to help you sleep at night! In a study conducted on older adults with insomnia, participants reported both a boost in quality of life and sleep after engaging in regular aerobic exercise.

    The study focused on all types of aerobic exercise including the elliptical, bicycle, pool and exercise videos. This makes swimming a great choice for older adults looking to improve their sleep!

    Safe For Injuries

    Because it is low impact, swimming is safe for those suffering from arthritis, joint pains, injuries and disabilities. It can even help reduce pains and improve your recovery!

    Studies have shown swimming relieving patients from stiffness and joint pains as well as less physical limitation. Amazing!

    For All Ages

    Some activities and exercises may be a little challenging for people who are new or unfit. However, swimming allows you to move at your own pace, which can be inviting for new swimmers!

    Whether it’s just you or your whole family, swimming is a perfect activity!

    Splash Pools In Navarre

    A person may choose swimming over a different form of exercise for a range of reasons. It gives the body a thorough workout and has many advantages for people of all ages and levels of fitness!

    Do you own a pool? Trust Splash Pools to take care of your routine Pool Maintenance, Cleaning or Repairs! We offer Professional Navarre and Gulf Breeze Pool Service.

    Call today! (850) 549-5315

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