• 8 Points Of Swimming Pool Safety By Pool Experts

    navarre pool cleaners

    Our warm and hot days are here, and people love to spend their time swimming! Kids, especially, love going to the pool. But along with swimming and frequent pool visits comes the worry about safety for all entering!

    Therefore, it is up to us to be vigilant and ensure safety and have fun at the same time! Let’s talk about some quick pool safety points!


    To begin, at the appropriate age, swimming lessons can greatly reduce the chance of accidental drowning!

    “Mom, look what I can do.” You can have your peace as your child very appropriately walks around to the diving board to show you their latest trick. It is very ensuring to see safety measures in action!


    Have a first-aid kit nearby so it is readily accessible. Also, put emergency numbers in a prominent place near the phone. Anyone who is supervising children at the pool should be CPR certified!

    Likewise, have rescue equipment like a shepherd’s hook or life preserver near the pool. Being prepared is key to handling an emergency if it ever happens.


    Next, if you oversee swimming kids or are generally around a pool with swimmers, be vigilant. It only takes a second for someone to inhale a gulp of water, panic and get into trouble.

    If you are inside getting snacks, or texting, you are not unable to respond to that person when they need it. Stay alert always!


    This is self-explanatory, but for children younger than 5 years old, make sure there is an adult that is within arm’s length of the child while in the pool.

    With toddlers and babies, they should always be held in a parent’s arms; Not swimming unaccompanied!


    After your family comes in from swimming, make sure to remove any toys from the pool and put them away. Why? Because a child, or pet, might be tempted to reach for that toy floating in the water!


    If kids do not know what you expect of them at the pool, how can they know what is acceptable behavior? Therefore, have a family meeting, and clearly tell everyone what the rules are at your family pool.

    At this point, make clear rules like “no running at the pool,” and “no swimming alone”.


    If people do not follow the rules, the rules aren’t much use. Therefore, if a person breaks a rule, warn them the first time. If they repeat the behavior, make them sit outside the pool for a few minutes. If it happens again, send them inside the house.

    When people know you are serious about the rules, they are more likely to mind them!


    Finally, limiting pool access can be a huge help if you have kids. If they can just walk out the back door and into the pool area, there’s a big risk that they will go swimming when you’re not there or get themselves into trouble.

    A fence helps gives you control over who can be at the pool and make sure the kids are not tempted to sneak out for a swim. The fence should be at least 4 feet high and have a locking gate on it. This also helps avoid any accidents with pets, as well!


    At Splash Pools, our pool experts are here to answer any questions you may have about maintaining your pool. We offer pool cleaning and repair services for Navarre and Gulf Breeze!

    Call us today for assistance by a pool professional! (850) 549-5315

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